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Recruitments BUMN Bank Mandiri 2012 (Officer Development Program)

Bank Mandiri was established on October 2, 1998, as part of a restructuring program implemented by pemerintaha Indonesia. In July 1999, four state banks - Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo.

Officer Development Program
  • Graduation rate:
  • minimal S1

International Relations, Law, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Science, Business Administration, Computer Science, Communication Science, Engineering

Special Requirement:
  • S1/S2 graduates or students who have menyelesaiakn theory / theory of free college elected
  • Faculty: Engineering, Economics, Mathematics and Science (Mathematics & Statistics), Law, Computer Science, FISIP (International Relations, Science Communication, Science & Commerce Administration)
  • Minimum GPA 3.00 for S1 and S2 3:20 to
  • Maximum age at the time of initial selection of 25 years to 27 years for S1 and S2
  • Computer literate
  • Do not have a father / mother / siblings are actively working in Bank Mandiri
  • Not married and not willing to marry for education
  • Willing to be placed in all work units throughout the Region Bank Mandiri Indonesia

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